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Propam Checks Discipline and Police Presence during Security of the AFF U-16 Cup

Surakarta Police- Central Java Regional Police - Checking the discipline and presence of Central Java Regional Police personnel when securing the AFF U-16 trophy in Solo City is the task of the Makutha 2024 Safe Operations Propam Task Force. This Task Force is responsible for checking personnel tasked with providing security at all locations.

Such as security at the hotel where the participating teams are staying,  the training ground, Manahan and Sriwedari Stadiums and even Adi Sumarmo Airport.

"Personnel must be on duty in designated places. They have been provided with training so they understand the tasks that must be carried out in securing the AFF U-16 trophy," said the Surakarta Police Chief represented by Kasipropam AKP Sukowiyono, SH, Friday (21/06/2024)

He said that professionalism and discipline are the breath of life of Polri members. Apart from that, every member is obliged to carry out their duties humanely and with dedication.

Kasipropam AKP Sukowiyono, SH said that checks carried out on personnel on duty were carried out routinely.

The objectives include ensuring that personnel involved in the Aman Makutha 2024 operation are present at the location where they are assigned and ensuring that the environment where they are assigned is always orderly and conducive.

"Propam will also take action against personnel who commit irregularities or violations in their duties, whether disciplinary or code of ethics. Those who are proven to have violated will be processed according to the applicable regulations," he stressed.

"So far, the security personnel on duty in the Aman Makutha 2024 operation have carried out their duties with discipline and have not committed any violations," said the Head of Propam.

"It is hoped that the service they provide will provide a sense of security and comfort for the community, so that the implementation of the AFF U-16 Cup will also run smoothly until the end," he concluded

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