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Indonesian National Police Secure U-16 ASEAN Football Championship

Surakarta Police- Central Java Regional Police- Manahan Solo Stadium is again the venue for football matches, last year’s U-17 World Cup and this time the U-16 Asean.

Seen last night, Thursday (28/06/2024) Dir Samapta Polda Jateng Kombes.Pol. Risto Samudro as Kaopsda directly led the security of the match between the Indonesian vs Laos national team.

Director of Central Java Regional Police Samapta Kombes.Pol. Risto Samudro said that his party would continue to monitor traffic flow through hundreds of CCTVs spread throughout Solo Raya and if possible, flow engineering would be carried out to create smooth traffic flow for the community.

“We use 232 CCTVs to monitor traffic flow, the CCTVs are connected to the Command Center at the Surakarta Police Headquarters,” he said.

Dir Samapta added that the security was carried out to provide assurance to FIFA and the entire community that the National Police was ready to secure the ASEAN U-16 Boys Championship Indonesia in 2024.

“Security has been carried out since the players and officials arrived in Solo City, starting from Adi Soemarmo Airport, Boyolali Regency, then hotels, accompanying fields and Manahan Stadium,” explained the Commissioner. Pol. Risto.

Security will be held in three zones carried out in collaboration between FIFA officials and the National Police. Security for the First Zone in the Manahan Stadium Stand is manned by stewards and FIFA officials, while the National Police is responsible for security in Zone Two, in the Manahan Stadium Area and Zone Three which is outside the Manahan Stadium.

“We want to provide certainty to FIFA and supporters and fans that the National Police is ready to secure the ASEAN U-16 Boys Championship Indonesia in 2024,” he concluded.


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